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The idea of inner fire emerges as a guiding light in the quest for productivity in today's fast-paced world. Inner fire, which is sometimes used interchangeably with intrinsic motivation, is a powerful force that people possess that drives them to pursue their objectives with unwavering...

Spiritual growth represents an intricate journey of self-discovery and profound transformation, transcending the confines of religious affiliations. It is a holistic process that delves into personal development, enlightenment, and the cultivation of a profound connection with both the self and the broader human experience. The...

In the intricate tapestry of existence, the convergence of spirituality and material world forms a junction, a point that Guruji Shri Nandkishore calls the "Spirituo-materio-knot." This intersection marks the fusion of spiritual principles with the tangible matter of the world, initiating a journey toward harmonious...

Understanding Satsang Satsang, a Sanskrit term, translates to ‘being in the company of truth’ - where individuals seek truth, self-realization, and enlightenment by various methods such as listening to spiritual discourses, meditating together, etc. Satsang plays a significant role in mental and spiritual cleansing. Being in...

Building mental toughness is essential for general well-being in a world full of challenges and change that happens quickly. The Darpan Foundation, with its initiatives, offers deep insights into the practice of building resilience and recognising the importance of mental health. This blog covers a...