Elizabeth Sam

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Elizabeth Sam

Elizabeth Sam

Elizabeth Sam, better known as Merlin by all, hails from Kerala but most of her growing up years were spent in Pune. Her father was in the Army, owing to which she has travelled to diverse locations and met people from varied backgrounds. She enjoys being with people, sharing experiences and exchanging ideas.

She married Sam Mathai in 2001 and moved to Bangalore. She has two children Trisha and Tanish.

An HRM graduate from Symbiosis and a Masters in Labour Laws from the University of Pune, she has a decade of work experience encompassing various roles in HR and Operations. She enjoyed working in the corporate sector, the challenges and the learning, at the same time she was not ok about being unable to give much time to her children. She finally decided to be a stay at home mom and do justice to her role as a parent.

She has been involved with different NGOs and in 2016, she became a part of Sahaj Smriti Yog (SSY). She is an active member in the community where she stays and when at home, you may find her cooking, attending to her organic terrace garden, listening to music and singing along or just sitting in conversation with her family and friends.

She is extremely emotional, ruled completely by her heart. She may appear lost at times, failing to make sense of this life. Since her association with SSY, she feels less lost and is definitely able to understand life events in a better light.