Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari

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Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari

Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari

Guruji Nandkishore Tiwari is a humanitarian leader, poet, writer, visionary and a spiritual master.

Guruji’s vision is to foster empowered and transformed individuals with deeper understanding of spiritual values which unite people. He made spiritual awakening as core value in his mission to transform humanity and has taken up social initiatives through transformed volunteers.

Proximity to a living Guru enables your journey to uncover your full potential starting from
  • Understanding
  • Experience
  • Attainment of inner peace and happiness.

Early Life

Guruji was born to Shrimati Kamala and Shri Brajlal Tiwari at Durkhuru village in Jhansi District of Uttar Pradesh. He had his first spiritual experience at about two and half years of age.

As a bright student, he showed a natural aptitude towards learning. His spiritual quest and interest in gaining real knowledge grew and, with that began his phase of wandering and learning & unlearning. As search for Reality kept becoming intense, he secretly and spontaneously found himself practicing all kinds of austerities during his adolescence and running to Himalayas in his youth. He completed his school and university education during his stay at Jhansi, Allahabad, Hyderabad and Delhi.

He chose journalism as a profession and worked in various responsible editorial positions ranging from Resident Editor to Founder Editor, to Editor-in-Chief, in English and Hindi magazines and leading national newspapers. During his journalistic career he interviewed leading personalities spread across various fields, wrote many lead stories and hundreds of articles. The book ‘Pahle 52 Saptaah’ which is collection of editorials written by him in 2014-2015 was released in the year 2015.

Spiritual Life

Spiritual experiences kept returning to Guruji’s life during his busy career days and throughout his involvement in the activities of the NGO founded by him. He stressed the need for a transformation in the psyche of every human being and emphasised that such a transformation cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social.

Spirituality opened itself up as the solution to Guruji’s existential enquiry. When Guruji met his Guru at that very moment, completeness happened. Pure, timeless, eternal and spontaneous memory became completely clear to him. He made spiritual awakening as core value in his mission to transform humanity and has taken up social initiatives through transformed volunteers.

In 2018 Guruji established Darpan Foundation and Darpan Ashram in the foothills of Noorundumalai, Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu. Darpan Ashram is a small hamlet nestled in the lap of the picturesque forest valley overlooking Noorundumalai hills, a place styled to make amenable and replicable ‘system of spiritual living’ to all willing human beings residing on earth. This is catalysed through Sahaj Smriti Yog System of self realisation along with the practice of Pindodak Kriya also known as Sahaj Smriti Kriya, devised by him. Householders from all across professions and nations find Sahaj Smriti Yog system of spiritual realisation most suitable to follow.

In 2018 Guruji was honoured with Acharya Chanakya Award for his Spiritual Contribution to the mankind.

``In real spirit we can value others only when, we have discovered something pure and pious inside ourselves, that dazzles us and fills us with wonder and astonishment.``

Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari

Social Forums

Apart from initiating and guiding individual seekers in Sahaj Smriti Yog system of spiritual realisation, Guruji has taken one more initiative to reach out to seekers through conducting interactive dialogues with them at institutions, work places and residential complexes or any other random venue where willing hearts calls for him.

Under Guruji’s guidance, Darpan Foundation works in the areas of sustainable living, education, conservation of nature, health, sanitation and enabling senior citizens to meaningfully contribute to society and touch lives of many people.

Guruji writes spiritual columns in many leading newspapers, magazines and weekly publications

Guruji was appointed as Philosopher Member of Ethics Committee, NIMHANS (2018-2021)

Guruji has spoken as chief guest in numerous fora in the presence of august audience and dignitaries across professions.

He conducts group meditation and satsang every Sunday in Bengaluru.