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Guruji inspires many volunteers to come forward and contribute to the society by working towards building a more sustainable future. Our social initiatives serve as a platform to integrate Individual Transformation with Societal Transformation.

Each of the 4 levels in which we work: Body, Mind, Self & Soul translates to the areas of sustainable living, conservation of nature, education, health, sanitation and enabling senior citizens to meaningfully contribute to society in our social parlance.

Aligning with these goals, we have taken up various projects like facilitating under-served and under-represented schools, conservation of nature, tree planting, natural farming, water conservation, river cleaning, health & sanitation, skill development, annadana etc.

Kshetra Darpan

Explore, educate and inspire individuals to use natural agricultural practices for a conscious and more harmonious future.

  • Seeking both ecological balance and inner peace
  • Green(er) buildings and energy
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Regenerating degenerated land
  • Annadana
  • Heath Camps

Vidya Darpan

Outreach programs to support the under-served schools and children through

  • Uplifment of schools by bridging the gaps
  • Conducting various workshops
  • Infrastructure support
  • Teachers support

When the aspirations of a child are outpaced by the challenges, it is time to step in.

Kaushal Darpan

Skilling people in such innovative ways that inspire them to become part of creating sustainable ecosystems.

  • Program to empower individuals to exercise correct choices and refine their taste
  • Instil entrepreneurial skills
  • Ecofriendly construction methods

Mann Darpan

Courses delivered on Live Online format with real time interactions as well as physical sessions

  • Orient an individual to explore deepest potential
  • Programs for all age groups
  • Help people design and architect their own destiny
  • Glimpsing into balanced living

Jeevan Darpan

Everyday we make choices in life that affect the whole planet. Unless we change our way of looking (Jeevan- darshan) at life, our ways of living will not change.

Jeevan Darpan initiatives mirrors ways to live sustainably.

  • Build a prototype to showcase and live sustainable living model
  • Vanaprasthashram: nurtures growth at the retirement stage of life, and provides the possibility of inner well-being & growth and an opportunity to celebrate the most important phase of life.

Atma Darpan

Awaken the innate divinity that is present within each one of us

  • Sahaj Smriti Yog
  • Sahaj Smriti Kriya
  • Upanishad program
  • Weekly satsangs
  • Sahaj Samvad

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