Vidya Darpan

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Pure food for Self

Vidya Darpan strives to create systems and institutions that foster the complete growth of every child and nurture their potential. It aims to teach children learn to live in tune with nature, offering comprehensive education that focuses on character building and human values.

The program highlights the significance of physical fitness and sports for overall child development. Vidya Darpan provides diverse sports and fitness activities, such as yoga, martial arts and outdoor adventures. These activities promote a healthy lifestyle, boost confidence and improve teamwork skills.

Additionally, Vidya Darpan is dedicated to providing education for underprivileged children and ensuring they have access to quality education, opening doors to a brighter future.

With its holistic approach to education, Vidya Darpan is committed to shaping the future of our society by nurturing responsible, ethical and well-rounded individuals.

Mentor a Million

There are millions of children in rural India who need quality education and mentorship programs. “Mentor a Million” program is aimed at bringing social change and individual transformation, serving the cause of building a society that will stand strong on value-based quality education.


Mentorship Program

This program aims at training local youth volunteers to become mentors and role models for children. These mentors conduct sessions and serve as catalysts for community change. Their goal is to positively impact the lives of children through new learning programs and drive transformation within the community.


Native Culture Rejuvenation

Along with the mentorship program, Vidya Darpan supplements classrooms with various programs including hobby clubs, dance, arts, music and theatre. These activities are designed in a way that is aligned with the Indian culture and the students get to preserve and promote their native practices and traditions.


Teacher Networking and Motivation Workshops

A responsive network of faculty stimulates intrinsic motivation among teachers, encourages local initiative and provides academic capacity-building and training support. Vidya Darpan provides the facilities to attain all the above-mentioned.


“Connect” Bridging the final mile

Vidya Darpan conducts “Connect” Programs to empower youth to pursue higher studies or enrol in ongoing skill-based employability programs like digital learning programs. These programs aim to provide opportunities for further education and enhance their employability skills.


6,500+ Beneficiaries, 35,400+ Study hours

40+ Schools, 42+ Villages, 5 States

Direct education to the children

New teaching methods

Classroom-based interventions

Improved infrastructure

Better learning materials

Digital advancement through digital learning programs

Additional teachers

Mentorship programs for students

Value-based education

Impact of Vidya Darpan

Vidya Darpan Activities

Bridging Gap

Darpan Foundation as a non-profit organisation has worked wonders in providing education for the underprivileged and empowering them to transform their lives for the better. Over the years, we have taken up numerous initiatives with micro-level interventions. Some of them are as follows:

Employed local educated youth to teach in schools facing acute shortage of faculty.

Setup physical infrastructure like toilets, tables and chairs

Enabled digital education by providing computers, smart-phones, multi-function printers, projectors and associated accessories.

Distributed stationery kits, uniforms, educational and sports materials to the children

Sponsored the cultural and sports days’ activities

Digital Enablement

The positive and encouraging outcome of the Digital Learning Program has propelled Darpan Foundation to employ technology to augment the gaps in learning.

Rural children are very driven and motivated but have very limited resources to nourish their quest for knowledge and nurture their abilities.

Darpan Foundation aimed to provide STEM education for the underprivileged, which is why we have designed an online STEM learning module for them.

The program:

Explains fundamental scientific concepts in a comprehensive manner

Encourages scientific thinking in everyday life

Helps to correlate observations from day-to-day life to fundamental scientific concepts

Uses simple experiments to encourage students to question, test, analyse and verify

Enhances the learning outcome using multimedia tools such as PPTs, videos and online laboratories

Provides guidance and ensures holistic well-being through the Mentorship Program


Vidya Darpan is an endeavour, an attempt to ensure that children learn to live in tune with nature.

Education should spark curiosity, nurture creativity and build confidence among children. Darpan Foundation envisions to set up a Gurukul in India with the objective of holistic development of children where they learn:


Character development

Social awareness

Personality development

Intellectual development

Spiritual development

Preservation of knowledge and culture

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