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History teaches us that ironies and peace don’t go together. Yet, we live through many of them as, all haven’t been ironed out yet. Therefore, when empowered by clear thinking, prolonged observation, contemplation and meditation then we should do our best to erase those ironies...

During initiation, a seed is put into our heart by the Guru as That Self. That is how the heart in Vedic tradition termed as HIRANYAGARBHA. It is (Praan-Pratishthaa) creation of a new life where we are reborn within ourselves as a new being, provided...

There are certain simple questions which If asked honestly and happily by ourselves to ourselves, then answers too would emanate before our mind’s eye with much more happiness from within. And, when those answers are accepted by ourselves and we begin to act upon them...

In any given human group social definitions make dialogue possible and acceptable to all those who agree to those definitions in same sense. Whenever this agreement suffers or differs in society there sprouts up the ugly head of disharmony and, peace is disturbed. Therefore, social...

Assumption of spirituality is this innate experiential idea that whole existence is essentially one. That’s how on the one hand spirituality brings about unity and on the other it nourishes diversity. And, it is through diverse appearances alone that are Visible in Nature that this...

Spirituality is one’s journey into most friendly unknown zone that passes through bitter-sweet yet known zone of life. But there are times when known too begins to give a surreal sense of its being unknown. And, then it becomes challenging to separate interesting from ironic....

Sankranti message from Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari   Utsav ( festival) symbolises utsaah ( enthusiasm ). Usual process of Change is constantly present in life and most of us become accustomed to this change to such an extent that we don’t even notice the newness that Nature...

Language plays very important role in making of human civilisations and cultures. Human perceptions are shaped by universally accepted definitions. Societies, nations, ethnicities see their own images through mirrors of these definitions. Definitions are expressed and imbibed through language. Therefore, if definitions are directed in...

Darpan Foundation’s Upanishad series is designed to create “Maximum Seekers, Maximum Seeking”. Yet another dimension was added to it when propounder of Sahaj Smriti Yog Guruji Shri Nandkishore Tiwari and the Religious head of Svetambar Jain Terapanth Acharya Shri Mahashramanji sat in upanishad on 28th September...